Saturday training

Good news!

We will restart Saturday sessions on 2 March. The sessions will initially take place on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month. Training time will be from 10am to midday and will be the usual price. (Adults only)


BAA Winter School North 2013

British Aikido Association

The BAA Winter School will take place at the English Institute of Sport in Sheffield, from Saturday 2nd to Sunday 3rd March 2013.

Times: Daily: 10.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.

Coaches will include:-

Lesley Hepden,
Danielle Jones,
Fumika Yamasaki
Ayaki Nakashima

Sessions include: Goshin-ho, Koryu-no-kata, weapon and free practice

Grading: Both senior Kyu and Dan for BAA members on Saturday from 3.30 p.m.
(Dan Grading fee: £15.00)

For more information, and to pre-register, please contact the school organiser:
Mr B Jones Tel 01943 863857:

Please ensure you sign the register on the day. Cheques to be made payable to: British Aikido Association
Participants are asked to bring their record book and proof of insurance

Open to BAA and non-BAA members

Course Fees:

Adults BAA member £20.00 per day
Adults non-BAA member £25.00 per day
Under 18s BAA member £15.00 per day
Under 18s non BAA member £20.00 per day

Further details available here.
