Genryukan Aikido

Takeno Takafumi: Sharp, Fast, Powerful and Very Scary

Article on by Robert Mustard Shihan:

Robert Mustard Shihan“Takeno sensei was the head instructor when I arrived in Japan. He was sharp, fast, powerful, and very scary. He was also the greatest teacher I have ever had the good fortune to learn from. He started using me for uke from almost the first day I lived in the dojo, and this is what it was like. One day in an afternoon practice, only David Rubens and I were the only ones practicing, and Takeno sensei came over to us and said, ” What do you want to do? ” We both just looked at him. He said, “Let’s do dai ichi kihon, which is the first group of basic techniques in the Yoshinkan syllabus. I have never forgotten that class all these years later. Takeno sensei destroyed us. I have never felt such uncompromising power in any technique EVER! He creamed me in every possible way, almost knocking me out with Ikkyo!!!  Read more here >>


BAA Spring School

BAA Spring School 2012 at the Winchester Lido Sports Centre

Church Lane (Off Worthy Lane) Winchester, Hampshire, SO23 7DZ 

Date:   Saturday 2 to Monday 4 June 2012

Times: Daily: 10.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.

Coaches from within the British Aikido Association will include; Mike Smith, Bob Jones, Paul Wildish, Lesley Hepden, Tony Davis and Lee Mazacs

Continue reading“BAA Spring School”


ETAN Competitions 2012

Junior European Championship 2012

October 27th and 28th Junior European Tournament
Sport- und Feriencenter, Fiesch, 3984 Fiesch, Switzerland
Pierre-Alain Zeiter competition host:
Lee Mazacs events co-ordinator

 Senior European Championships
August 17th-19th – Senior European Tournament
Ilya Solonitsyn competition organiser and email is
Lee Mazacs BAA Contact point

Continue reading“ETAN Competitions 2012”


Mick Pratt @ Shogun Aikido, Herne Bay

last night I went over to Shogun Aikido in Herne Bay with Mick, who had been invited to teach the Goshin Ho.
A great night training was had, and as usual the instruction was top knotch.
They have a great facility up there. Thank you to Lee Adams for the kind invitation.


Monday 12th March

We were lucky enough to have Mick Pratt pay us a visit last night. A very entertaining evening was had by all. Thanks to Mick for a great session.

Mick Pratt 4th Dan
