Last night’s class – 26th April 2010

Warmup followed by
Ukemi practice
Shikko practice

Explanation on Tandoku Undo, first 3 movements. Focusing on posture and centre.

Last night, we concentrated on the necessity of avoidance, using timing and ma-ai (distance) and using the commited attack to achieve kuzushi, balance-break.

Some freeplay techniques used as examples:
Shomen Ate
Aigamae ate
Gedan Ate
Ushiro Ate
Kote Gaeshi

Cool down experimenting with escapes and locks from various grips.


Last night’s class – 19th April 2010

Here’s a summary of the main lesson from last night:

Tai no henko/shiho nage

Last night, we concentrated on avoidance practise, requiring uke to attack fully and in strong posture for mutual benefit. We emphasised that tori must avoid if they don’t want a fat lip.

Then Randori no Kata;
12. Kote gaeshi (Wrist reverse)
13. Tenkai Kote hineri (Turning wrist twist)


Last night’s class

Here is what we covered last night;

Small killer warmup
Tandoku Undo: Unsoku & Tegatana dosa
Recap of Randori no Kata 4-6

Randori no Kata;
7. Ude gaeshi (Arm reversal)
8. Hiki taoshi (Pull down)
9. Ude garame (Arm entanglement)

Freeplay (any attack, both sides)
