18th October lesson, beginners class

Recap of last night session:

Warmup & stretches

Unsoku & Tegatana dosa

The first 3 of Go hon no Kuzushi (Five Balance Breaking techniques)
Those are the main balance breaking techniques found in the Randori No Kata
Oshi Taoshi (tech. no 6)
Hiki Taoshi (tech. no 8 )
Waki Gatame (tech. no 10)
Shiho Nage (tech. no 14)
Sumi Otoshi  (tech. no 16)

White Belts:
Sutdy of Tegatana Dosa, sections 1 to 3
Unsoku and Tegatana Dosa need to be practiced at home in order to make significant progress.
For reference, students can look at the video posted here:

Yellow Belts:
Randori No Kata, techniques 1 to 4
We have an excellent reference video from Shaun Hoddy Sensei:


4th October, kata session

Recap of last night session:

Warmup & stretches

Unsoku & Tegatana dosa

White belts:

1- Shomen ate
2- Aigamae Ate
3 – Gyakugamae Ate

Yellow and above:

11 – Kote Hineri
12 – Kote gaeshi
13 – Tenkai Kote Hineri
14 – Shiho Nage
15 – Mae Otoshi

Followed by freeplay practice against varied strikes.


20th September – ukemi session

Recap of last night session:

Warmup & stretches

Unsoku & Tegatana dosa

Explanation and in-depth practice of:

  • Back-breakfalls
  • Side breakfalls
  • Forward rolls
  • rolling backrolls
  • Flips

Plus breakfall practice from the following techniques:

  • shomen ate
  • kote-gaeshi
  • mae otoshi

The emphasis was on the importance of safety and relaxing when taking ukemi in order to prevent injury.


Tandoku Undo

Tandoku Undo means “Individual practise”. In Tomiki/Shodokan aikido this commonly refers to Unsoku (foot movements) and Tegatana Dosa (Hand blade exercises).

At last night’s training, I was asked for some Youtube videos that would be a good reference. After sifting out some poor videos (with mistakes made such as keeping the heel off the ground), I settled on these two videos as good examples.

Unsoku (Sean Flynn)

Tegatana Dosa (Scott Allbright)
